Currently we are running a case study working  with Young Carers and their communities in Brixton April 2025, which includes the production of short films plus artistic research into nonverbal dialogues.

We are in talks with Dr Terry Sweeting about BTM teacher training with Hattie presenting at The National Dance Society 2025. We are developing the Special Education Needs branch of our programme and working closely with SALT therapist Hatty Edwards. We are planning our next video installation and talking to London galleries and we are researching the development of a global nonverbal exchange platform (gateway).

Hattie is going back to the home of the dance exchange, New Orleans, to discuss exciting future collaborations (and dance in the mardi gras March 2025).

We weave between dance, video, sound, installations, research, and teaching and were nominated for the One Dance UK Award 2024.

We aim to connect marginalised and culturally diverse groups whilst building bridges across international, socio-economic, and cultural divides.

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